Mar 19, 2016
Texas Natural History Collection (Quest)
"Dear TMNH# 64380, It's an honor and a privilege to be dissecting you in the lab this week. I visit your webpage all the time. I'm one...

Jul 28, 2014
Got Grant! -> California Academy of Sci.
Hello San Fransisco! Collecting more monitor lizard hyoid thesis data via a Charles Stearns Grant in Aid for Herpetology. What a...

Jul 25, 2014
Enter, the Dragon (Field Museum)
Examining as many monitor lizard species and individuals as I can for my thesis. Anatomical target-> The hyoid apparatus. This, in case...

Jul 3, 2014
University of the West Indies Zoology Museum (Quest)
I was lucky enough to add an outgroup to my monitor-lizard-hyoid-project sample while on a snake hunting trip in Trinidad. Why was I in...

Mar 31, 2014
Whitney Walkowski Crunches Pig Frog Pickles
Whitney examines some Pig frog (Lithobates grylio) specimens. Some of these were originally from the Tulane University collection that we...

Jul 17, 2013
Doing Science in a Place That Inspired Mee to Love Science
Some of my earliest memories are set in the exhibit halls of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY. Looking up at the...